Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Share My Life...

A few years ago I began what I call my "Love Journey." It began with a forty day fast I was led into, in order to obtain the fruit of Love.

At the end of my fast, I received a visitation from the Lord. At one point, Jesus was sitting on a chair, and I was sitting on the floor, at His feet. It was a very intimate moment, yet my mind was racing with a thousand questions to ask Him. In the end, I asked the Lord was there anything I could do for Him. He studied my face for a moment, then responded with this one phrase, "Share my life." 

In Matthew 16:24, Jesus says, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me." 

In order to understand what Jesus is requiring of us to follow Him, we must first take a look at how He lived. Christ thought nothing of Himself. Although He came as God in the flesh, He took no glory, but gave all glory to the Father. He lived a life of a servant; always willing to give, and bestowing mercy and grace at every chance given. And though He was a man of sorrow, He was not passive. He portrayed truth even unto His death. He fed the hungry, healed the sick, delivered the possessed, defended the helpless, and forgave the sinner. He denied Himself, so that those who believed in Him, would be resurrected in Him.

Yet when we take a look at the average Christian today, most do not even begin to reflect the life of Christ. We become Christians to only later become self-centered and self-righteous. We find ourselves willing to go above and beyond for earthly pleasures and necessities, but will sacrifice only the bare minimum for the edification of our souls. We'll work overtime on a job, because we want the extra money, or to impress our boss, but we won't work overtime to submit to prayer and supplication. We'll spend thousands of dollars on a carnal education, but we won't be humble enough to allow the Holy Spirit to teach us the Word, which is free. We will run around all day fulfilling the duties of man, but when it comes to the things of the Lord, we'll say we're too tired.

Again, Jesus said anyone who is to follow Him, they must first become selfless by denying themselves, and then take up their cross. Yet the church is full of selfish people who only pick up their crosses when it's convenient for them. But have you ever stop and asked yourself; was the time when Christ was afflicted and bore His cross a convenience for Him? 

Jesus looked at me and said, "Share my life." And immediately, I was filled with the understanding that I must suffer that the world should not live in me.

We need to ask ourselves, are we truly taking up our crosses to follow Christ at all cost. This commitment means a total denial of self, so that the Spirit of the Living God is glorified in you. And the Spirit of the Lord being glorified through you means that you, like Christ, become the salt of the earth, and the light in the midst of darkness. You are now baring witness to the truth, that Christ is alive, and living in you. This is how we bear fruit. And this is how we begin to obtain the greatest fruit of all; Love.

Spiritual Food For Thought

Mena Lee Grebin
Faithful Walk Healing Ministries